Monday, June 8, 2009

The reason for living.

Hey guys! I am sorry that I have not been posting every day. We don't have wireless here and we have been getting in late, so I have not had the chance to get on the internet that much seeing that the computer is in Sherry's bedroom. Things are going really well. Today the first elevations group got here. They are from Troy, TN. Elevations is when a youth group comes and our mountain men (Zach and Stephen) take them up the mountain and show them God in nature and in many other ways. This is kind of hard to explain, but when one is on a mountain there is definitely a connection with God that is indescribable. When they come back down, the city interns take over. Our job is to show the youth group kids the life of a street kid by taking them to their homes (the streets, crevices under bridges, tunnels, etc) and introducing them to each other. This is the thing I love about Dry Bones -- not only do they focus on ministering to the homeless, but also the Christians. The staff likes to say that they spend 51% of their time on the streets and 49% of their time in churches. The time that they/we are on the streets is primarily spent building relationships with street kids who have not had many stable influences in his or her life. The staff focuses on being a friend to everyone on the streets and lavishing love unconditionally on all in God's name. Dry Bones is not a shelter, it is an organization that gives value to individuals who are so often overlooked by everyone in the world, including Christians. The time that the staff/we spend with church people focuses on those who are searching for meaning in Christianity. It is an outreach to those who are sitting in a pew wondering if there is something more to life than what they are living. Dry Bones tries to bring back to life those who feel dead in church by showing them that loving and serving others in the name of God is the point of life.

I am so blessed to be in Denver right now. God knows what I need, and I can not imagine a better place for me to be. I love every intern so much. Each person has such a different story and a different passion for life. I could write paragraphs about each intern and staff's passion and my love for them, but I will spare you that because I do not know that you guys want to hear that.

I can not explain how much I love it here. Maybe I love it because I have gotten to meet so many different people with so many different perspectives to offer; Maybe I love it because all of my spiritual beliefs that have been so comfortable in the past are being challenged daily; Maybe I love it because I feel a true sense of community with the interns, staff, church people, and street kids; Maybe I love it because I am actually doing what God tells us will make us happy- serving. Whatever the reason may be, I know this -- I never want to live a life that is not focused on service ever again.

Interns at Red Rocks from L to R: Mark, Trevor (back), Tyler (front), Me, Liz, Stephen, Kenli, JoAnna

1 comment:

  1. Hey Madison...I am so glad you are having a great time. You are a very special person and I know God is using you in Denver. Love you!

