Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm here!

I am in Colorado! The plans we made worked out perfectly and I am safely here. I arrived just in time for church at Lakewood, where they introduced all of the DryBones interns. There are 8 of us. JoAnna- from SanDiego, goes to ACU, very very sweet, and my roomate. Liz- from Texas, goes to ACU, hates foods with flavor, and kind hearted. Kenli- from Texas, goes to ACU, looks like Summer Grizzell, and fun. Tyler- from Texas, goes to Baylor, lives with Chuck, and easy to talk to. Mark- also known as Smes, from North Dakota, goes to York, allergic to everything, and wants to be a youth minister. Stephen- from Texas, goes to ACU, literally looks like he just walked off of a mountain, and sounds just like Tristan Wheeler when he speaks. Trevor- from Texas, goes to ACU, funny, but too cool for the DryBones Interns facebook group. After church, we all ate with some of the Dry Bones staff. I then moved all of my stuff in, with the help of JoAnna and my dad. I live with a woman named Sherry in Lakewood, Co. She is very giving and easy to get along with. After I moved in, I took dad back to the airport, and then JoAnna and I drove to Matt and Nikki's house. They grilled out and we hung out and talked about different stuff. We are leaving for a hike tomorrow morning at 10. We should be back on Wednesday afternoon. The area that I am in is so beautiful. The drive to Matt and Nikki's was breath-taking. I really like all of the people here. I can not wait to get to know everyone better. It is very refreshing and encouraging to meet Christians that live in different areas that are working for the Lord. Please pray prayers of thanks for Dry Bones and all of those who spend their lives serving. I am so blessed to be here. Thank you for all of your support!

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